Let’s Create a Better Edmond – Together.

Mark Nash brings decades of leadership, fiscal expertise, and a proven commitment to responsible leadership. Join him in creating a transparent, sustainable, and thriving future for Edmond.

Let's Talk About... What Matters

Mark believes Edmond’s future starts with collaboration.
By working together with citizens, city leaders, and community partners, we can address challenges responsibly and create a stronger, thriving city.

Responsible Spending

Trying to spend our way to prosperity and a better quality of life will never work. As a city government, we must learn to live within our means. We have the revenue; but not the fiscal discipline to spend without constantly using all available reserve funds. Transferring funds from one account to another repeatedly masks where our revenue comes from and how we actually spend it.
We need fiscal reform.

Responsible Street Maintenance and Improvement

Edmond needs a long-term streets program that uses a highly visible projects list under constant scrutiny to ensure that street maintenance and improvement projects are prioritized to complete existing corridors to remove congestion from I-35, Broadway, 2nd Street, Kelly, and Covell.
We must be able to complete and maintain what we have before tackling new street projects.

Responsible Transparency & Accountability for City Programs and Services​

Let’s hold our city government accountable to rebuild trust with the community. Citizens deserve clear and accessible information, timely responses to open meeting records requests, and transparency in financial and operational data. Eliminating the elusive practices that make it difficult to understand how decisions are made is essential.
Completing work on time and taking responsibility for results should be the standard we all expect.

Responsible “Quality of Life” Through Strategic Community Development

The city must strategically and with great foresight lay out a plan on quality-of-life issues. We cannot prioritize building new parks without ensuring proper care for our existing parks and recreation infrastructure. Similarly, new trails and bike lanes should only be added after interconnecting the ones we already have. Commercial and residential infill projects should be prioritized to ensure we’re not over-extending the city’s infrastructure and resources beyond what we can maintain. 
We need a balanced approach to growth that values long-term sustainability and thoughtful planning.

Let's Talk About... Mark Nash

Mark Nash is a proven leader with decades of experience in financial management and community service. With experience serving the Edmond Economic Development Authority, the Edmond Public Schools Foundation, and many other organizations, he is a dedicated leader for Edmond.

Let's Talk About... Edmond

“I love Edmond. The trees, the rolling hills, the people. Edmond still feels like a small town even with the amazing growth we have had since I moved here. This is home.”
Scott Peters, Edmond Resident
“As we continue to grow, we have more choices. More choices in restaurants, grocery stores, entertainment, activities, and even places for our friends and family to stay when they are in town. I want it to continue to be this way!”
Karen R., Edmond Business Owner
“Edmond provides the best sports opportunities for our kids. There are year round choices whether they want to play recreationally for the fun of it or competitively. Think about it: baseball, softball, football, basketball, soccer, golf, lacrosse, tennis, wrestling, pickle ball. The list goes on and on.”
Justin Speegle, Edmond Resident

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